Meditative Herbs & Enchanted Fowlk Life

Meditative Herbal Merchandise
Some of the articles used in making these products are clean recycled materials, such as water bottles, while others are new. Recycled materials are amazing, lots of love and enjoyment goes into cleaning and creating a new meaning for these products. Such as the herbs: After making my families herbal tea formulas I would put all the used herbs in a pile outside and every few months dig them into the dirt or my youngest son used the compost from them in his garden. In February 2016 I decided to re-dry some, not knowing what I wanted to do with them, and soon I visualized certain houses. Special thanks to Dr. Yinhai Zhu and his wife Peifeng Wu from Beijing China for mentoring me in Chinese medicine, which assisted me in creating the Chinese Herbal Houses. His store is called Bai-Wei which means Five-Flavors in Cleveland, Ohio, USA. The various houses and castles are weather resistant, but not meant for direct rain. They are best kept in a covered area if outdoors.

Each creation includes its own written story, as well as an audio version, for you or to share with anyone that receives them as a gift. Since the late 1980's I have created items from my writings, such as, Faiery Pond that is seen towards the bottom of this page, while other expressive items are created from many of  my Enchanted Fowlk Life stories. Nevertheless, all of them hold an enchanting moment waiting to tell its own story, maybe even my own true-life faiery tales I really lived...

"Now mind ya, the stories you will read about here are an impressive quality in-that they uphold repeating in your own tales, but before doing so please email to ask permission, for they are copyrighted material. To speak about them to others is grand, but to use it for money in your story telling or in print is not allowed. Please reference Enchanted Fowlk Life & BABS Bakery as to where you found the descriptions when repeating a tale to others in regards to a story printed here, so long as money is not involved, and we "thank ya for that indeed."  

Welcome to the wonderful land of Enchanted Fowlk Life! 
It is simple to enter, believe and scroll downwards...


Behold the Ivy Village...

Enchanted Fowlk Life
The silence of a long forgotten village is broken when gazing upon a moment each house contains. A faiery message perhaps? The enchantment this fowlk life speaks is another language from a distinctly different lifetime we all dream about, and usually speak about as an expression of fantasy, but is it really fantasy? Perhaps a lifetime we ponder when looking at the houses and then listening to the secrets they tell, in a cool silent moment. Each one is a thought, eventually a scene and finally a story, because they were created from my writings about Bridgette O'Leery's adventures, the Ivy Village, Gemstone Mountains, Faiery Pond, Princess Liliyana & Tisia the faiery, the first Elfen King- Belphebe, Zagaf & Zacmir the dwarfs, along with many other characters you cannot help but embrace within thoughts and fall in love with...
For now, fall in love with a house and call it a home.

The Enchanting Tales of Bridgette O'Leery -CD Series -- Coming soon!
These CD's begin and continue the stories you will read, or listen to, on this page. Accordingly, they will have Irish music to compliment the stories, and as all of these tales presented here, they will contain historical meanings and facts to keep in tradition of the stories and details, as well as a 'bit-of-me-own-life'.

sign outdoor bakery.jpg

Enchanted Fowlk Food

The Forest Galen food feeds the hungry traveler.
Come and visit us at a show or festival and satisfy the wandering imagination of what you want to try.

Enchanted Fowlk Food

The Enchanted Fowlk food served from BABS Bakery is a style of food that the enchanted evil creatures have not had the chance to get to, for if they did all of the energy would be consumed and the mere ‘look’ of the food would still be there. Likewise, enchanted food found within a forest should never be consumed by a human, for if it was they would shrivel up and die from lack of nourishment. Hence, Forest Food is another appropriate term for our wonderful treats!

Your favorite Enchanted Fowlk Life characters from the Forest Galen come to life as cookies!
Dragon eggs- from the Gemstone Mountains.
Large dragon- who guards the precious eggs!
Faiery- the houses they dwell in are not far off.
Angel- to guard and guide you on your journey!
- from the middle earth they emerge.
Elfen sword- Fruit filled European pastry dough shaped with a point on either end is used to defend the front or back of you on the journey.
Dwarf bread- A small cinnamon-sugar filled croissant style cookie that feeds the dwarves deep inside of the Gemstone Mountains.
Tree fowlk- A twisted tree-limb cookie that the Tree-Fowlk live within.  
Dragons nest- Consider yourself lucky to have one of these, as the dragon wants you to guard the tiny eggs within the chocolate krinkle they hide!
Forest Money- A slightly crunchy cookie shaped like a small coin is used to buy your way out of the evil end of an enchanted forest.
Unicorn cookie- A sugar cookie full of sprinkles with a swirled hershey kiss as the horn.
Unicorn doughnut- Chocolate or vanilla -decorated in Unicorn colors.
Enchanted Cookies Indeed!
Sugared Grapes, Peach, Lemon, or Apple cookies are the fruit picked within the enchanted Forest Galen!
Specialty cookies- Scone, Irish oatmeal, or Scottish shortbread feeds the hungry traveler.

Most cookies are $1.00 each, sugared fruit are $3.00 each or 2 for $5.00 and the large dragons are $2.00- $3.00. 

Summer Festival Schedule for 2020

Cancelled until further notice- Please CHECK BACK!!!
78th Street Studios Art Walk— 78th Street Studios- 1305 West 80th Street Cleveland, OH 44102 USA
5pm to 9pm —Third Friday of the month only. Indoors.
September 18, 2020 -October 16, 2020 -November 20, 2020 -December 18, 2020
My one-of-a-kind sculpted art work, Food Energetic CD’s, as well as, Enchanted Fowlk Life. BABS Bakery will be here with:
Specialty Treats, Chocolate Krinkle cookies, Pineapple squares, Brownie Doughnuts, Apple Dumplings, Peach Fruited Cookies, Fudge, Clothespin cookies, Nutrolls and more! Along with—Seasonal fresh fruit foods!!
NOTE: November & December shows will include Christmas cookies, Sugared Fruit cookies, Nutrolls and other Holiday foods. page. Also page.

Canceled for 2020
Little Italy Art Walk-
Located in the Heart-of-Little Italy Neighborhood- Mayfield, Ohio USA
Saturday June 6, 2020 NOTE: this the only day I will be here! —Noon to 6pm.
Held at various sites: Cleveland Montessori School, School Bocci Court area, Holy Rosary Church Piazza and Tony Brush Park.
Check back which area I will be- in May 2020.
Enchanted Fowlk Life will be here: page.

NEW DATES Below for 2020: Hopefully I will be there, if not cancelled.
Old Firehouse Winery-
5499 Lake Road East- Geneva-on-the-lake, Ohio 44041 USA
Listed below are the dates we will be here!
Pre-order & Pre-pay to pick up your bakery needs!

Enchanted Fowlk Life & BABS Bakery will be here, along with other enchanted food at the page, such as large Chocolate Krinkle cookies, Pineapple squares, Brownie Doughnuts, Apple Dumplings, Peach Fruited Cookies, and more! Along with—Seasonal fresh fruit foods!!
I am inside of the Barn (indoors) near the winery. It is a beautiful and spacious area over looking the lake with varied entertainment.
Saturday’s and outdoors only under tents:
July 18th - 2020
August 1st, 15th & 29th - 2020
September 5th- 2020

Hops & Shops Art Walk— Forest City Brewery- 2135 Columbus Road Cleveland, OH 44113 USA
To be announced—- Outdoor. Canceled for 2020
Enchanted Fowlk Life & BABS Bakery will be here with great food. page. Also page.

Great Lakes Medieval Faire- 28th annual- Rock Creek, Ohio 44084 USA
Enchanted Fowlk Life will be here, as well as the delicious and enchanting—Forest Food, which features the Dragon cut-out cookies, Nutella filled Elfen Swords, Dragon’s Nest cookies and much more! page.
Six Grand Weekends— Saturday & Sunday!
11am to 7pm daily
July 11th & 12th
July 18th & 19th
July 25th & 26th
August 1st & 2nd
August 8th & 9th—— This may be the only weekend I can be there.
August 15th & 16th

Visit the HOME-PAGE for all art& craft show listings!

And now…
I take you beyond the thoughts of the modern world and into a clandestine time when villagers upheld what are known today as probable tales, yet they still tell a truth within them for each of us that understand that they are true.
’Tis a grand time I wish to ya, for these stories in particular are from The Enchanting Tales of Bridgette O'Leery Series…

Flowering Faiery Houses
A faieries secret life remains so, until a desire to meet mankind. Before the many styles of faiery villages could disappear, a likeness was created to share the challenging manners of expression from another energy kingdom that mankind was parted from. The first picture is the beginning of the house, the second picture is how the vines grow with a tiny bud, and the following pictures are the blossoms of the flowering houses! No two are the same, since each one blossoms into its own design!
Now mind 'ya, these are Mr. McCormick's very words about these faiery houses...
After a day's work in the field on his farm, which was enclosed on each side by grassy banks, he walked back to the house and put a piece of lean meat, potatoes and carrots into the pot and turned it back over the fire. Strolling outside he found round rocks set upon the ground as if it were a path leading back towards the field he just left. He picked each one up and when came to the last rock, he tossed them all into the path just over the gate. As he leaned over the gate looking into the fields, he lit up his pipe. It was then out of the corner of his left eye he saw the same rocks jump under the whitethorn bushes aside the path, which shadowed the grass. "What did me eyes just think I saw," he whispered, as he opened the gate walking towards the bushes. He took a glove from his pocket, slipped it onto his hand and gently pushed a bush upwards. "Glory be, what have I here now, but tiny houses with mortar and stone." Next, he watched as tiny vines grew about each one and then flowers blossomed. "I must show Mrs. McCormick when she returns from visiting her sister."
Almost a week past by before Mrs. McCormick returned. No sooner she got off of  Joe Flannigan's horse and mail-cart, and walking down the edge of the road to the path leading home, Mr. McCormick ran from the field calling to her, "Land sake, me darlin' come and see what I found!" He took her bag and walking to the whitethorn bushes, he told her what now existed. She looked at them awe-struck and said, "I must get inside and write the details to this before they decide to hide from us." That night Mr. McCormick described exactly how it happened. The next day, low and behold they were gone... all but the same rocks he tossed over the gate, and to this day those very rocks still set under the whitethorn bushes.

Small $5.00 each
Large $10.00 to $15.00 each
Prices can vary due to decoration

Faiery Stump Houses
Faieries love trees, and what is better than a tree-stump house! The faiery door leads into a magical house filled with rooms, staircases and an imagination of fun. Enjoy the many designs we will create, because no tree stumps are the same.
A faiery preference is by no means at all confined to one spot, for there are a vast number of areas they live within the hills, glens, moors, mounds, bushes and untamed trees. Trees in particular are the oak, hazel and alder. The oak for its grand acorn, the hazel for its nut that contains knowledge and the alder for its resistance to rotting as it protects the mysterious white horses that leap upwards from the deep pools and lakes.
In a small village Bridgette O'Leery told her mother this tale and her mother had the chance to see it for herself, before it could disappear. It was a terrible thunderstorm that night and the next day Bridgette saw just outside of the forest Galen that a huge oak tree was struck by lightening and was cracked down to the ground. As she came closer she noticed flickering lights all about, and in mid-day too. Knowing only the faieries make this type of regard to them, she waited a moment, lest to attract attention, and then turned quickly to where the flickering was about. It was then her eyes opened as wide as a tea cup's saucer, as she looked upon the many tree branches of all sizes and shapes.
Each one had moss that mingled in between the bark-like roof with acorns and other such berries, likewise no two had the same color door. She could hear them talking;
The first faiery said, "The oak is great and good, but the nasty sprite twins, Dynite & Dobin, must have seen one of us coming in or going out, since that crack of lightening hit it."
The faiery on her right added, "Yes, it had to be them, I agree, for they report to the evil Goblin King Jada, and this is what happened, for only he can order such a  tragedy.
And yet another faiery informed them, "Yes, but only with the help of the goblin guards, Volco & Uchi, especially when they twirl their great axe, just as thunder stirs in the sky and then they jump into the winds to do such harm to a faiery tree."
Bridgette gasped when she heard this, they stopped talking, looked to her and one said, "Can you help us hide our houses?"  Watchful of everything around her, she flipped the shawl from around her shoulders onto her head and came closer to them, carefully stepping over many houses. They showed her across the field was an alder and hazel tree, "Take us there, and when your done, we shall be forever grateful to you." 
She gathered the houses, as many as her arms and her shawl could hold in each passing. Once all the houses were there, they danced and sang praises for a mortal still can help the faieries. Two of the faieries took her discretely across the field in the opposite direction of the faiery houses. She glanced back and saw what looked like a village of tree-stump houses in, around and up into the trees. Turning to look at the two faieries, a warm wind came upon her face and they were no longer there, but now across the field near the houses. She ran home and saw her mother looking for her at the gate. "Land sakes me darlin' where have ya been, 'tis the wee late of the afternoon, I was getting worried for ya." Bridgette replied, "Oh, dear mother I am truly sorry for the worry about me, but listen," and her mother saw her eyes grow wide as she began her tale walking to the house.
Once inside Bridgette finished the story as they drank tea. Mrs. O'Leery said, "I believe ya my darlin' for in being a flickering light, they have a certain magical swiftness, unlike mortals ya know. 'Tis as if they transport and reappear faster than the wink of an eye in a summer wind." 
It was less than a few weeks later that a horse took loose from their barn and Mrs. O'Leery ran after it, and as one might expect, it ran to that very same spot her daughter told her about. She grabbed the horses harness and while looking around to leave, it was then she saw the faiery-stump-houses all around. 

Wee small $3.00 each
Small $5.00 each
Large $10.00 to $15.00 each


Portals, Doors & Gateways  -sold out for now
The beautiful golden circles entangle thoughts to enter the imagination, when current thoughts are overwhelming. Step into one of them and escape whatever bothers good thoughts, even if it is for a moment. Doorways that only you can enter and Gates that invite thoughts to wander into them as if a mist beckons one to enter... a mere touch leaves the physical world.  
Portals  $8.00 each
Doors  $8.00 each
Gateways  $8.00 each

Gnomes are mysterious creatures that 'pop' out of nowhere and usually seem to know what is going on when they arrive, yet there are times they have 'popped' up and came face to face with a mortal, or worse, an ork or troll. This style of Gnome 'pops' out of any area, be it ground, a tree log, grass or a mossy creek side. Only the head shows itself, just in case a quick departure is needed and then burrows back into a tunnel. It has been told that gnomes are from the Middle Earth, yet some say particular beings were taken there for their deeds were not permitted to be finished as mortals.
It was in the dark ages that the Lord of the Langan's castle wanted to entertain his guests in a different, yet bizarre manner. He took to hiring a few young men and women and dressed them up as Middle Earth Fowlk, moreover instructing them stay perfectly still, like a statue, and move at slight intervals to perplex the guests watching. It became a dreadful chore for these individuals to earn a sparse amount of money this way, but alas they had no other income or trade. This manner became a fashion for about five years or so, until one afternoon these "statues" as it be, vanished, every last one of them. Likewise, any castle that enslaved these "statues" this way had a tragedy befall it, unlike any natural disaster. It was told by the local villagers that a passer-by explained that the Middle Earthen Kingdom was angry at the mockery of them, and that is why they took all the mortal-statues, in order to give them rest until death, within their hidden land. Less than nine months later reports of gnomes 'popping' out of the ground became known more and more to these particular areas. The sightings were said to be the ghosts of the men and women reminding mortals not to mock the Middle Earth Fowlk. 

$8.00 each

Some Gnomes 'pop' out to see what is going on and do not realize their whole body is showing. Once this style of Gnome has "popped" out of an area, they cannot burrow back so easily, and scurry to hide in a log, behind a bush or even inside of a crack within a nearby house or castle. However, others are always ready for fun and diversion, such as a sleigh ride!
Bridgette O'Leery's cousin Elizabeth MacTavish, whom thought herself to be highly experienced in these matters of Middle Earthen Fowlk, took to the story of the disappearing mortals and began exploring surrounding forests from the tales of these beings that 'pop' out of the ground. Without a word to anyone, not even Bridgette, she took off for the recent sighting within the mysterious fallen logs inside the forest Galen. It was a lovely area, and one should not be afraid there, but many villagers stopped going due to the strange, yet existing fowlk now seen. So it is that these dwellers, here, are no means a way of distraction to a mortal, until they are seen, and their intention was to remain visible to Elizabeth on this day. Equally important, the point to these tales must always be remembered that a glimpse of one apparition can vanish, but this day many remained for her to witness, and even converse with.
Walking into the forest Galen she thought she had reached the same logs described to her, but they were not. About nine or so wrens were fluttering and whistling near another set of fallen logs. She took notice of their curious behavior towards wanting her attention, therefore she came closer and soon solid silence. The birds landed on the ground keeping their distance, yet watching. Gazing at the moss on the log, it moved and soon they 'popped' out one-by-one. Their clothes were colorful, and happy to see her they seemed to be, as one spoke, "Mind ya me lady, folks all over the countryside have mocked us, while others play an important role for us, such as you. Let it be known that the mortals who were tricked into mocking us are now at rest until death comes to them, for mortals cannot live with us forever." She was shown into the log, and there were steps leading downwards deep into Middle Earth, but forbidden for her to enter, for if she did, she could not return above.
Elizabeth stated, "Now I can tell the villagers they do not see ghosts, but earthen dwellers such as you. Indeed, I see now, the 'come-hither' was set upon the mortals to be with you all." They nodded yes and made merry allowing Elizabeth to watch their singing, dancing and how they prepare food. Their amusement and humor only entangled her more into the afternoon with them. Before sunset approached, they congregated together in front of the fallen log and one-by-one they followed the steps downward, home. 

Tree ornament $5.00 each
Small $8.00 each
Medium $10.00 to $20.00 each
Full body $35.00 each


Opening a book always amazed me and when certain books are left open something magical happens, they come to life. Delightful scenes accompany each open book to gaze upon and then create your story from them. This all reminds me of the time Bridgette O'Leery opened a book.
A candle was almost burned out the night she fell sleep reading a book about poetry in other countries that her mother borrowed from the 'book-building' in the city. Bridgette awoke and told her mother this story as she prepared the stir-about for breakfast...
"There was a page that had a doorway-like opening, and I saw the skunk plant blooming inside, so I walked into it and then I said out-loud, "Oh look it is springtime, because that is the skunk plant. No sooner did I say that, then I heard a squeak and a voice say,
"Skunk plant? Yes, it is, but we know it as the Swamp Lantern."
And an elf-like fellow with wings continued, 
"This plant indeed has great authority for it has the gift no other plant has. They can produce the heat of summer and rise up like a golden flame from the snow covered swampy mud, or the likes of other wet areas in the forest. The flowers appear before the leaves, but soon the lanterns are covered with enormous green leaves. The giant leaves are used by forest fowlk to make a fine rain hat, or drinking cup, and some take to wrapping food in them and then cooking it. Nevertheless, we faieries take to them differently. Once they appear we know it is the time of the year to begin sprinkling the sun-dust on the barren tree tops to warm them up a bit too. It also warns the forest fowlk that the mortals will be stirrin' about more outside. However, the faieries have extra special powers for the few weeks the lanterns are so bright with color glowing about. The extra light from these lanterns hide the faiery lights and they can make merry amongst them without being found." 
"Then the elf-like fellow flittered around and many faieries began dancing and making merry among the Skunk-plants glow, they asked me to join them and have fun."
That afternoon Mrs. O'Leery went to Mrs. McFaddens house and told her what happened. As they walked back to the house Mrs. O'Leery said, "Me thinks she read too much poetry about the land and foliage in that there book." Mrs. McFadden asked her if she could take the book for the night and read it. She came back the next afternoon and set the book on the table saying, "Glory-be, 'tis no-where-about in this book could I find anything like the tale Bridgette told ya." The expression on Mrs. O'Leery's face was mild, yet aloof, and she called Bridgette in the room. "Don't be ashamed as to what we expect, tell the story once again, what ya seen now, just as it happened." Bridgette did so, and after wards she opened the book, and as she did, sparkles flew out everywhere. Just for a moment, the two women saw the Swamp Lanterns just as Bridgette described them with and elf-like fellow flittering about. "Truly this is a magical book indeed, but I must return it, for I only borrowed it."
"Can I go with you mother?" Mrs. O'Leery nodded her head yes. It was due back the following week, but they went the very next day. When they tried to return it, the lady at the counter kept telling them that this book was never here before. The 'book-building' lady flipped the book over to the back page where the stamp is suppose to be, and nothing was there, not even the note card that Mrs. O'Leery remembered signing. The lady said, "It must be your book and by mistake you thought it was the 'book-building's'." They took the book home, knowing it was now only meant for Bridgette and her faiery adventures.

$15.00 each



Who Lives Here?  -sold out for now
These are houses no one wants to go in or imagine what is in them, but they do exist. Sometimes they hide the Trollz Silverware, and other times they may hold a dragon hostage. You will know a dragon is there, because the eye peers out of the back of the house just watching.
Bridgette O'Leery and her brother Franke, whom was knick-named Cub, were walking off the regular path and came upon a movement within the grass. Cub O'Leery looked to the sky and said, "Tis getting late in the afternoon, we better get back to the path and home Bridgette." 
"Surely we will, but what keeps under this grass now," as she bent over to touch the fluffy tuft-of-grass. Instantly is grew a vine around her ankles and began pulling her into it. "Cub, help me!" But by the time he could turn his head, she was all but gone and he grabbed her shoe. It was the only thing he had left of his sister.  
She was in a place she did not recognize, lost and with no idea of her whereabouts. She became a victim of the evil faieries within the 'stray-sod' or as I refer to them as the tufts-of-grass. 'Tis a spell they cast that causes a mortal to loose their bearings in common places to them or they are in an unknown forest, field or path. She called for Cub, but he was no where to be seen. Meanwhile, Cub noticed he was under a strange tree and moved from under it. His eyes grew wide with fear as he murmured, "There it 'tis, the demon thorn tree, look how it swoops to one side, as if a hand is hovering over to grasp it's victim, this time maybe me sister."
Suddenly he heard, "Tis really not only one tree though, ya know, but this one is two thorn bushes and a bourtree. Stand back, as it is guarded by three malevolent demons." He turned to see who spoke to him and is was a faiery. He said to her, "The tales speak of it as fiercely grasping a passer-by with the sounds of angry spitting and blood-chilling laughs torment the one in the hold, but I can not hear what is happening to me sister Bridgette, can you help me find her?" 
"Not in the demon tree she be, but in the sod below,
Ask for heavens help and away home you both shall go."
With that the faiery disappeared, and Cub made the sign of the cross saying, "Saints be praised today, help me and me sister get home safe," and with that he heard Bridgette calling his name opposite of the demon tree. He ran and gave her the shoe, but so filled with fright, they took off for home without putting it on.
Mrs. O'Leery was walking with the youngest Matthew, knick-named Pip, and saw them running to the house with great agitation and anxiety. She asked what was wrong, so they told her, and then she replied, "Fr. Richard told ya never go to that demon tree, and I understand it was a mistake, but mind ya stay on the path in that area if ya are ever 'round there again. For he also mentioned them peculiar sod roof houses the demons, or the good Lord only knows what may live in there.. ohhh merciful heavens, no one really knows that answer!" 

$10.00 each


Medieval Castles
These were inspired by a man that my grandfather told me I was to meet one day, and I did years ago. He built a real castle!
I have always loved the Medieval life, and my favorite saint, Hildegard von Bingen to whom this is all dedicated to, lived in that time. "Dobro dom" in Croatian translates to 'Good Home', and once inside of any castle it seems that one can understand any language spoken.
Today was the day in the Ivy Village that Princess Liliyana most certainly had to meet Tisia. She waited a moment, lest to attract attention, and then turned quickly out of the castle and around the left towards the Big House. All castles have this type of house for the caretakers to live in. This one in particular had a magic well around the back of it, and here one can help themselves to a mouthful of fresh water, likewise even get a glance at the earthen fowlk. This is why it is called the magic well, because as one might expect, the earthen fowlk love the taste of this water, much better than the fresh running streams nearby. This day she waited for her faiery friend Tisia, for today Tisia had news of a prince who built a castle himself, which is quite unheard of, and the Ivy Village fowlk had hopes for Liliyana to marry one day. Tisia sat on the edge of the bucket and as soon as she saw Liliyana she flew to her shoulder to tell her the news she had witnessed about the prince who built his own castle. "It is true, true, Liliyana. The dwarves, Zagaf & Zacmir helped him bring the stone to construct it, but the man built it by himself."

Small $15.00 each
Large $20.00
Prices can vary due to decoration

Elfen Lord Castles
These were inspired by the Ivy Village, since the days of  Elfen fowlk are not completely gone. Perhaps they re-established themselves to a designated location unknown to the mortals who grew so far apart from them. In growing apart from Elfen fowlk, the mortals also grew away from the pure greenness of life itself, within them. The green of life is known as Virditas, which is a Latin word that can be interpreted as "green=being-the-root-of-life itself".
The Ivy Village and the Elfen Lords interacted freely, until one day the virditas was not a lush as it once was, due to the lack of belief from mankind in the Elfen friendships. For it was much easier to believe in worldly things and to be swayed into the dark path. It is a path that led them into the Dark Lord Castles once they left the Ivy Village. The Elfen Lords eventually hid themselves inside the castles that they built before the separation of them and the Ivy Village. They would only look out a window high up in the castle now and then to see if the Ivy Village still remained, if it did at all.
Within one of these castles resides the mirror that casts a reflection to a future event, and the apparition within is so vivid, it carried on a conversation just as if it were mortal. It was by the mortals greedy lust for knowledge to the future that is was hidden, for fortune telling is not of the Middle Earth beings, but came about with the mortals to want to know more than need be.
The Elfen Lords are the guardians to the realms where all mirrors meet, better known as the Myrrour- meaning My Hour of reflection is now. They wait, watching with hope that the last bit of virditas is not gone from within the Ivy Village. If it is, then they must go back to their lands, beyond the inside of the Gemstone Mountains.

Large with Golden face $15.00 each
Large with painted face $20.00 each
Prices can vary due to decoration

Enchanted Castles
Good mortals were driven from the Ivy Village for still believing in the Elfen friendship. In return for their loyalty the Elfen Lords did not leave these good men abandoned for Orkz & Trolls to carry off into a Dark Lord Castle. Therefore, they built the Enchanted Castles for them to live in. They were hidden by grapevines that grew around them and within the vines the birds made their nests, while the forest friends came to eat of the fruit.
A tale was passed down for generations that a young lass lived in one of them, and her name was Ottis. Sometimes she can be seen for days dancing and then not seen for months at a time, her youthfulness was always noted, yet no one really knew where she lived.
It was one of those days that her clogs could be heard on the cobblestone, clicking to a tune she was whistling. For it was Ottis, and a strange name for a lass indeed. Two women were also on the same cobblestone road and heard the merry-making. The widow Malloy said to Mrs. McClusky, "Tis sad to think about a name like that one has. I heard from Mr. McCormick that his wife knew the story from her sister, that the Faiery Fort near Killean is where she was born with the name Valentine. The faiery princess, named Sonya, cursed her with the name Ottis, fer she made so much noise with her clogs, dancing and merry making that Sonya could not rest properly. In spite of behaving like a drunken blather-skeg, she cursed her with the name Ottis. After that she was welcomed by the Elfen Lords into an Enchanted Castle, and it is there she retains her youth."
Mrs. McClusky replied, "Yes, I understand, ta have a lass live out the rest of her born days with a name like that, it gives me shivers ta think of it, ya know. It was also said that old Mr. Flannigan's son, Joe,  heard she came from the Ivy Village and was a companion of Princess Liliyana, a grey wolf mind ya, and that when she had to leave the village, she became a young lass. Her secret life with the faieries and then the Ivy Village, being cursed and such, says that when her real name returns, then she will begin to age. Them faieries can be wicked I tell ya, ta give a name like that."
The widow Malloy stopped cold in her foot steps and looked to the sky saying, "Saints save us today, for I hope those words just spoken did not fall upon the faieries ears, or least both of us be taken ill." They both made the sign of the cross to protect them as Mrs. McClusky said, "I meant no offense, and now I will mind me words on this subject."

$10.00 each


Dragon Eggs
Each one of these has an eye watching to make sure trollz such as Nipmo, Doron & Fiegl cannot sniff them out, or the evil sprite twins, Dynite & Dobin do not steal them before they hatch and take them to the Goblin King Jada. Once there, the goblin guards, Volco & Uchi put them in cages until they hatch. Meanwhile, the Dwarf guardians, Zagaf & Zacmir keep most of them safe deep within the Gemstone Mountains. The dragon eye does not want to look at the evil goblins, trollz or sprites, because as soon as the eye makes contact with the outsider it is bound to them. Carefully 'see' the eye within the egg that will become your dragon, since it will always be your companion and help you with any task... so as you choose your dragon egg, your dragon chooses you!

'To whom it may concern' was written on the envelope and inside was a note written in the twelfth-century Middle Latin language and then tucked into a book that sat on a shelf inside of the Castle Disibodenberg in Germany. Indeed, one day it was acquired by auction and this now rare language needed interpreted, but not publicly, for it was in a detailed book about dragons. Within the pages it actually led the new owner Jim Maganu to Scotland and a once lived castle, but now in much ruins. The book described activity within the walls of the castle as it was a busy time for dragons, unlike today. It told how hundreds of years ago they had to re-treat into the Gemstone Mountains and the details of how it all happened was recorded in this book. It read as if an ancient society collaborated to write this book, right down to the pages written in various handwriting, therefore giving the impression it was more than one author. One could not help but know dragons existed, and even the most skeptical might change their mind after reading. Despite that the book readable in old English, the note inside of the envelope still had to be translated.
At the bottom of the hill where the castle once stood, lived a man in a hut-like house. The locals did not know how old he was, because he just seems to always be there, yet when looking for him, nothing is there. Jim decided to seek out this mysterious hut and old man, and as a result, he found nothing. He opened the envelope, determined to find out what these words mean, he tried to speak them, "Nit-la-lak showlyn drakin nit-la lak leezt ah- hie."
He heard a deep rumble from the bottom of the hill near him. Nostrils came upward from the ground with a mist whispering these words, "None other beast is of the majestic dragon and so few worthy to become as wise as one... Who has spoken the language of the dragon?"
Next, a dragon head rose forth, its eye turned to Jim and spoke,
"Enter the one seeking my wisdom."

$8.00 each

Dragon Eye Bottles
These one of a kind bottles have a dragon trapped inside of each one by an evil troll, and they are waiting to be released. Until then only one eye peers out, yet occasionally the dragon's breathe will escape the top of the bottle. The eye watches to make sure the evil trollz Nipmo, Doron & Fiegl cannot sniff them trying to escape. The wicked Sprite twins, Dynite & Dobin also want them in order to snatch the dragon eggs from them. The Goblin King Jada tries to see it all through his crystal spyglass, because he can then send the goblin guards, Volco & Uchi to put the eggs in cages until they hatch. Meanwhile, the Dwarf guardians, Zagaf & Zacmir continue their search to find each Dragon-Eye bottle to set them free to roam the Gemstone Mountains once again.
Strange stories about bottles with eyes, and eggs with scales like a dragon hidden in mountains made of gemstones were spoken and the towns folk weren't quite sure what to believe, for no one there ever saw what the outside tales told from passer-bys were of any truth.

Strange indeed it was this day for Bridgette O'Leery, for she met up with that risk taking chancer Ottis. It was like any other day walking to town, excepting today Bridgette heard dancing shoes on the cobblestone road. It was the lass named Ottis. She had heard tell that her real name was Valentine and the faiery Sonya cursed her with the name Ottis, but nevertheless no one really knows where she came from, nor where she goes... until today with Bridgette O'Leery. Few in the town have seen her, yet most acknowledge she is real, and many hear the dancing shoes, as Bridgette did today. She hid behind a bush and as Ottis came near, she jumped out and said, "I caught ya, now tell me where did ya get those wonderful dancin' shoes everyone can hear."
Ottis laughed and said with a playful grin, "Do you think I am a leprechaun ta keep yer eye on me like that? Ya know I can skip off at anytime," and she started to dance away.
"Wait, please tell me, some say the shoes are enchanted and a man in a far away castle made them, whilst others say they are a part of your curse and the demon slipped them on your feet to torment others."  Her eyes were truthful, and Ottis said, "Come on, I will show you then."
In a blink of an eye they were at the base of mountains that glimmered like gemstones, and two dwarves she called Zagaf & Zacmir came through the stone as if they were ghosts. Then they spoke to Ottis in a language Bridgette never heard, and to sum it up it sounded like a chicken bark, "Bar, Bar-bar-bar." Then the one dwarf took a key from his pocket, put it into a rock and a door glowed. They went inside and began the journey. After awhile Ottis spotted a lad she knew and called to him, "Matt McGinny, help us get into that tunnel, I got a lass here with me, its about me shoes." He nodded his head yes and helped them.
Deep in the tunnel she followed Ottis until they came out and stood near a large castle. Ottis said, "Your now in the Castle Disibodenberg in Germany." And it was here Ottis showed her where she got her dancing shoes. They went down the main hall and near the kitchen was a room where a man sat and made items out of wood for the castle needs. He grinned at Ottis, looked her shoes and then looked to Bridgette. Ottis did that chicken bark, "Bar, bar-bar-bar." And the man made Bridgette dancing shoes of wood. As soon as Bridgette put them on, it was in another blink of an eye that they were back on the cobblestone road. Ottis grinned and danced herself down the cobblestone road, knowing she found a trusted friend, "We will meet up again, soon." And that strange chicken-like bark could be heard, Bar, bar-bar-bar as she disappeared.
Bridgette smiled and began homeward, dancing on the cobblestone. A few of the older women were walking and noticed Bridgette's shoes. Mrs. O'Toole said, "Where did ya get these shoes lass, nothing like that is made in these parts, nor near other parts aroundst here." After she told the story, well, no one believed Bridgette, nonetheless she smiled anyway and set off for home.
"As if things aren't strange enough around here lately, especially with them other tales of dragon eyes peekin' outa bottles, now I tell ya," said Mrs. McClusky as they watched Bridgette dance homeward in the wooden shoes.

For decorative use only. -Sold out for now.
Large $10.00 each
Wee Small $5.00 each


Chinese Herbal Houses
These houses represent certain herbs and how they act in the body when the formula taken. Such as: a house may have the herbs- Oriental Water Plantain Rhizome/ Leaf of Pamiculatemicrocos/ White Angelica/ Dried Tangerine Peel/ Licorice rhizome & Stem of Suberect Spatholobus, this would represent weight loss, water draining and energy circulation. What a great way to look at an object and help the mental and emotional attitude!

Small $5.00 each
Large $10.00



Orks and Trollz Trix
The yellow-throated Vireo bird that hides within the hedges and the Chihuahuan Raven who flies high in the sky, warns others where the Orkz & Trollz have made a campsite. This time they can see the trollz-holez near their silverware that was left out by the three orkz- Aswan, Amaral & Orizabba. 
There are also nasty faieries that help these evil creatures. They are called Fatums, in Latin meaning fate. These are the bad faieries who steal items for evil purposes to help goblinz, trollz & orkz who in turn influence more evil to the Fatums, such as the wicked troll Vidor and the sinister goblinz Uchi & Volco. The iniquity they carry with them is a powerful energy force to the dark side. These Fatums are taken with the beautiful-side of evil ways making themselves wicked solitary faieries, such as Velton, Soquel and Eweka. They are ones who choose to live in small and mostly single unit lives of greed, especially on the other side of the trollz holes that deceive anyone who enters into them. Yet, not all solitary faieries are bad, but most of them are usually the innocent ones who were influenced and deceived.
On a happier note: The remaining good brownies, sprites and dwarfs understand the thoughts of the evil ones and can help by guessing their next move. The good dwarfs Zacmir, Zagaf and Towlac still help from deep in the Emerald Forest that leads to the Gemstone Mountains, while King Rambin of the Brownies and his faithful look-out, Freye the sprite, assist in what-ever they may have to do in order to help.
Man- Meat- Pie
There once was a man who could escape out of any prison they sent him to, mind ya. He believed he did not ever have ta answer for his being a thief. A monk came to the prison and told him, "Turn your actions to good my lad, for if not, a day may pass that the sun won't be able ta shine on ya, and then you will serve a master worse than any slave. For 'tis a place unknowst to a mortal man where this uncanny master lives, and he will give you what you like, but, you will never get to have it."
Soon after that, the man was changed over to the prison nearby the lands whereby the villagers tell the tale of the holes where a man disappears right into the ground. Well, one day this man escaped the prison and ran towards this area, not knowing where he was going. Whilst he ran further into this land, a hole he did meet. He went downwards and he seemed to fall for hours until he could finally see dim lights and then, boom, he hit his head on the floor and just lay there.
When he awoke he saw three trollz, and says he to them, "Aye, can I be of service to ya and then be repaid with a bite to eat?"
A growling laughter came from the trollz, and then one spoke, "Do you like dessert?"
The man's eyes opened wide and he says to him, "Oh, 'tis indeed I do, so tell me now, ehh, what service can I be doing for this bite to eat?"
The man began to look around and he thought to himself, 'hmmm, there is nuthin here fer me ta take when I exit later as they sleep.'
The other troll looked at him and said, "Oh, I think your wrong." And the man looked surprised, "I don't thinks me spoke a word."
"We hear you just the same," the last troll said gruffly. Then he walked over to a pile of dirt and kicked into it revealing a wooden box. Says the troll to the man, "Open it and get what you need to eat your dessert." The man opened it and saw many ornate solid sterling silverware.
"What kind of dessert are you thinking about?"
The mans first choice was a pie scooper, as he said, "I do hope you have some pie."
They laughed and all at once grunted out, "Yes, we have meat pie!" The first troll went and built a fire, whilst the man asked, "What 'tis the fire for? Ya know, ya can't make a proper pie inside of the fire." The troll answered, "Yes we can, we just need to roast the meat first," as they gathered around the man. He became frightened and walked backwards right into the silverware chest. It spilled out and under the chest were many others, except he noticed these pieces of silverware had bones and trinkets attached to them. His eyes grew wide as he stared at them. The troll said, "As tall as you now stand, they too once were, but now they fit into my hand." And as the troll grabbed the mans arm, he shrunk small enough to fit over that fire, and they roasted him. When he was done they took him for meat and made a Man- Meat- Pie, while serving it with that very same pie server the man picked out. And when they were done, his bones were attached to that pie server. That man became the dessert for them, and then the pie server, only to serve them for eternity, just as the monk had warned him to mend his way.

From $2.00 to $4.00 each

Dark Lord Castle
The nasty faieries known as Fatums reveal where these castles are hidden to the orkz & trollz that must hide a victim. Once chosen, the victim is taken there and the jaw of the doorway opens wide as if to swallow whomever walks inside. The Fatums lure an innocent dragonfly, faiery or even the forest friends to the area, for they are the companions of others worth an even higher payoff. Then the Dark Lord Castle plays its part in hiding them for ransom.

Well before the decline of the Ivy Village, the Dark Lord Zii sought out a task from the Goblin King Jada to build small castles in honor of himself. King Jada put some of his trollsz to work on it. Unknown to him, the Fatums whom were spying around the corner had an arrogant, yet sinister smile welcoming the chance to cast a spell on the them. Once the castles were completed, the builders became bewildered and even forgot where they were, ending up never to be found by the Goblin King Jada or Lord Zii. As one might expect, they did not even care if they were found. Lord Zii sternly said to King Jada, "It is the castles that matter now, keep the Fatums away at all cost, for if they possess the mind of the castles, as they did the builders, they can rule the heart of the castles. They must not be able too open the gates." King Jada nodded his head yes and went his way.
Unknown to them, the Fatums already dominated the thoughts of the Dark Lord Castles, since they came from the demon tree, and no other Fatum has the power they contain within their strong influence.
They kept casting their malevolent spells on it, and soon the gate awoke and opened its jaws to welcome a victim. But not a one was captured, yet. Moreover, once a victim is inside, the jaw closes and ivy grows a disguise around the gate and walls so it appears as a large tree-like bush, but not quite the appearance of a demon tree. The Fatums seek a victim, and now control a part of  King Jada's orkz & trollsz to help participate in snatching innocent prey and then collecting ransom. The price demanded for payment they seek is far more precious than gold to them, for Lord Zii himself shall engage in the bartering, and that is for the Gemstone Dragon Eggs. Ahh, but this is a great payoff, so the innocent prey also needs be worth a high price.  

Medium size $10.00 each


Christmas Houses
On top of the fence rests the majestic red Madagascar owl with eyes that glow like the aqua color of the Indian ocean. It is a place he loves to sit and admire these houses, as the faiery Dutha wearing a silver flowing dress and a pair of Monarch butterfly wings, flitters near and sprinkles glitter on the Christmas houses.

'Twas a quiet morning in the north end of the forest Galen, until Jesse McFinn's attention was drawn to where a slight tapping and clicking could be heard, 'twas them.
He was on his way to see his friend Bridgette O'Leery whom always shared her Middle Earth fowlk stories with him. Summer was almost over and in the same fashion, the cooler days and nights were more frequent. The apple trees had all been picked and the Harvest-Moon was coming closer. He had a tweed jacket on this cool day walking to the O'Leery cottage humming a tune and trying to get the notes fixed to his flute, for he was fond of music indeed. In between notes and humming he paused when he heard tapping and clicking. Low and behold it was faieries and he could hardly believe it true, but nevertheless he finally saw them. They were making glitter for the trees, and as I have said winter was soon to arrive, but first the trees need their color.
They welcomed him and explained that in order to make the special dust they had to gather many broken twigs from all the trees, for they contain the magic to the glittering. Then he saw how they have to tap them with hammers that the gnomes make them deep in the mountains. The clicking noise is the twigs rubbing into each other until they are tapped into dust. Next, they told him, the red Madagascar owl flies over, gazing upon it with his aqua glowing eyes, and then suddenly it glimmers and sparkles. He could not wait to tell Bridgette and began to leave, but stopped for a moment and said to himself "I might forget where this spot is, I know, I will leave me jacket here." As soon as he took it off and set it on the bush, poof, it all disappeared. He looked around and then ran to the O'Leery cottage.
He peeked into the window near the kitchen table and saw Bridgette. He had a curious grin saying, "I just dropped in for a time. What ya be doin'? Wanna see some faieries?"
"Faith,, have mercy Jesse, ya really saw them?"
"That I did, indeed."
"I might have known they would show ya what I have been telling ya."
"Well... " as told her what he saw, and after he was done she asked, "Is that all?"
"Faith, I don't know Bridgette, there was no more ta tell than this."
"Let's go there then, I am done with me chores." They ran to the spot where he left his jacket, but saw nothing. He put his jacket on and just as he did they heard a swooshing noise just inside of the trees where a small mossy-like mound could be seen.
They saw them clearly, traveling in a line along the edge of a low hill until they reached the mossy-like mound. Just the heads showed with a full furry beard under a pointed hat. Bridgette said, "They look as if a few cats got caught under a shoe makers hat."
"Glory-be Bridgette, them are gnomes!" he exclaimed. So they were indeed, and these earthen dwellers are by no means a way of distraction to a mortal, until they are seen, unlike the faieries who play games with mortals. Apparently the gnomes did not know they were there, for if they did, no one would have seen them at all, for they are very discreet fowlk.
They were carrying sacks that seemed to glow. Jesse startled one of them, "What ya got in the bag man?" And a pair of wide-eyes looked at him, while a furry beard replied, "For the tree dusting, we are taking them to the other side of the forest Galen for the big Harvest Moon party when all the faieries sprinkle the trees and then the leaves turn colors."

Jesse began to get warm and took the jacket off, poof, the gnomes were gone. Bridgette thought odd of how they poofed-away, as if a puff of smoke took them. She looked at his arm with the jacket and quietly spoke, "Tis the jacket, man, magical indeed ya are in it." She examined it, noting only one button was on it.
"See I always knew I was indeed a magical being!" taking it back from her. 
Ya missed me meaning entirely ta what I just spoke, 'tis the jacket Jesse McFinn, the jacket, put it on again." He did, and next they saw the faieries high above tossing the precious dust over trees and bushes. He added, "It is the jacket. Glory-be, I must tell the village my tales of today."
Bridgette stood with her arms crossed, "You won't have aleg ta stand on telling stories like that to everyone, I oughta know because of Ottis. Best ta keep this with us for awhile, especially the jacket, who knows where it could end up."
Jesse said, "Me thinks your right, but, Aye, think about it though, to be endowed with such a visible characteristic form of them is indeed an exhibition for a mortal to tell others about."
Bridgette replied, "Aye indeed Mr. McFinn, but you better not loose that magic jacket, it seems ta be the way you can see them." He looked as if he were in deep thought, "Me thinks a song or two of them won't attract attention for now, such as the likes of repeating a tale,  aye?" Bridgette smiled and nodded her head yes. They took off for home with Jesse playing his flute and singing a song of the earthen fowlk. Upon leaving the woods, they knew winter was soon on its way for they saw the majestic red Madagascar owl on the fence outside the forest Galen. The white winter faieries were  waiting there too, likewise with their bags of Christmas dust.

Wee Small -Winter House $2.00 each
Medium $5.00 each
Large $10.00 each


Decorative Bottles - sold out for now
These bottles are uniquely decorated and can be placed anywhere to enjoy, nevertheless, a faiery may have willingly settled into one and will flitter out to see where she has been taken. However, make sure it is never corked, or there will be a price to pay!

In town one day, Bridgette O'Leery overheard a few of the elder ladies talking. As she got closer she heard the widow Malloy bragging, "Yes, I remember when I caught me a faiery in me mother's canning jar. I put some butter on a dish in the barn, and then I hid. The faiery came and took it, so now I knew she would come again. About the third time I flipped the jar over top-o-her, and there I had her. The next thing I know something bumped me arm and the jar fell to the ground, and mind ya, that faiery was no-where-abouts ta be seen again. I heard tell lately over in Glen Haven someone was catching faieries in wine bottles -n corkin' them up. Now, what would a soul do that for?"
Mrs. McClusky added, "I bet ya, the likes of them is gonna try -n sell them."
Mary McMiller exclaimed, "And if they do, mind ya, the vengeful fate of the faieries will be a disaster to them like no other, and then the burdens will more than likely fall to the surroundin' areas, maybe even as far as we are. Merciful heavens!" as she made the sign of the cross. Bridgette took off the other way and before the ladies scattered and went their own way, the widow Malloy added, "All-in-all me mother warned me never ta toil-n-meddle with faieries in catching them, for it could be for the worst, and I never did it again," but Bridgette did not hear this part.
The next morning Bridgette went about her morning routine carefully tossing the corn to the ground as not to hit a faiery, while the hens and ducks gathered to eat. She came back into the barn and set a tiny pile of corn atop the higher brick so the animals could not reach it, because it was for the faieries. She did the same with a spot of milk a few bricks down. Although today she wondered if she should catch one of them, like the widow Malloy spoke about. The following night her mother set eight of her canning jars on the window sill to dry in the air, and Bridgette noticed a bug had fallen in one of them. She had an idea to catch a faierie.
The next morning she took a pat of butter, dropped it to the bottom of a jar, set the jar into an empty flower pot, and crouched down near the pot with the lid in her hand. She heard a fluttering noise, and there she was inside of the jar trying to take the butter. Bridgette quickly put the lid on, and the faiery became still, as if she were frozen.
She looked at the jar and the faiery spoke, "Let me out, I am Tisia."
"Why should I let you out?" questioned Bridgette. Tisia sadly said, "It is difficult for us to understand such a strong desire to get a bottle for any creature, for it has no use nor a bit of interest, except to keep us as a curious relic inside; it has no power in itself, but only the power to the one who tightens the lid, alas Bridgette O'Leery, it 'tis the way of the world more and more these days. And it is even worse for the fairies who are trapped inside of a wine bottle with a cork holding them hostage,, until they are sold." Bridgette looked at her inside, took hold of the lid, twisted it to the left and tossed it to the ground. Tisia flew out and explained to her about a man who somehow trapped over thirteen faieries and was planning on selling them. Bridgette exclaimed, "He has a black-heart to do a thing like this. I might have known that the widow Malloy heard correct in that story. Yes, yes indeed, I will help you, but how?"

Tisia took her to where the faieries were trapped and they waited until the man left. Bridgette uncorked all of the bottles and freed the faieries. Quickly, they all left to the safety of the forest Galen. Tisia showed Bridgette where she could put the corks at inside of a large, old rotted log. "Here they will rot, just like that man's skin," said Tisia. All of the faieries were grateful. Tisia flew over and said, "Bridgette O'Leery, we thank you, and for your unwavering belief in us, we defended you until the day you pass." Bridgette felt honored by this, and then Tisia whispered in her ear, "Faith, I am fond of you!"
"We shan't fall out again," said Bridgette O'Leery to Tisia.
A few months went by and the next time in town Bridgette once again heard the elder women chatting. Mrs. McClusky said, "Mind ya, I heard from Joe Flannigan that drives the mail cart, a man was thrown out of the Glen Haven area for trying ta wreck up places lookin' for corks to his wine bottles, just yelling and screaming like a banshee. Joe even said the man talked about the faieries he caught, and now were missing. I think there is more to that story than what he heard, but for now, we know this."
Mary McMiller added, "That man ought to mind himself, for no lest in the world at all could the faieries be found but here first in the forest Galen, and eventually were driven out ta new places for a good many reasons, mind ya they will leave that area now. And, for good reason, I wonder how he trapped so many of them? I mean it must be truth in the story."
Bridgette walked closer as they talked. Mrs. McClusky added, "Well another tale of a man, at that very same time, says he took ill with his whole body rotting, Joe said his skin was peeling off his bones and then he died. I wonder if it be the same man, and I tell ya true, if it be him, I bet them faieries cursed him for his evil ways." Bridgette's eyes grew wide, and the widow Malloy saw her, "Me darlin' whatever ya heard, don't be frightened, just don't toil with faieries on the wrong side of them, I tell ya true now." Bridgette curtsied, and smiled, "Yes, widow Malloy, I thank you for the advice," then flipped her shawl close to her head and walked away.

For decorative use only.
$10.00 each

Jewelry Tree
The Gentle Fowlk love to live in trees, and these trees hold the treasures they collect on their journeys far away. Be it a ring, necklace, car keys or a bracelet.
One fine afternoon Bridgette O'Leery was gathering mushrooms and found only a few lovely ones at the base of some trees. Upon looking towards another tree she saw a rather peculiar mushroom, but as she came closer she knew this was not a mushroom. Softly speaking out loud, "Could it be?" And quite near that, was a path made of small rocks that led underneath the large root of the tree, and there she softly spoke again, "Tis a wee door, and over there are wee clothes on a vine... Now I know this tree be a faiery house, indeed." Standing up and looking at the other surrounding trees, she noticed two others had doors at the base of the branches, knobs with jewelry and keys hanging from them. At once she knew it was the forever told place of the Jewelry Trees.
This is a part of the forest Galen where a certain style of faieries supposedly borrow and gather jewelry, keys or other fascinating objects the can from mortals. As she gazed at the trees she whispered the words her mother told her, "For if ya are lucky enough ta ever see these trees, beware of them style of faieries, they don't want ya touching their stuff,, they can get wicked to ya if so."
One came out of a door and was startled to see Bridgette. She flew back in and then peeking out asked, "Who are you and what, I mean how did you find us?"
"I am Bridgette O'Leery," and she turned to point, "from the south end of the forest Galen, over near the cluster of cottages about six or so fields from town."
"You mean, Katie O'Leery's daughter?" and she nodded her head yes.
As the faiery fully opened the door, "Well now, welcome, for your mother has been here too. Would you like to see what we showed her as a lass?" Bridgette answered smiling, "That would be grand," and it was just as her mother described it to her. Turquoise waterfalls flowing downwards so gentle, it is as if they are not moving at all, then there were tiny doors everywhere on some trees, while others had only one, meanwhile another splendid sight glistened and glimmered. They were the necklaces, bracelets, keys and all sorts of trinkets hanging about the trees. "Every time a mortal has lost something, we usually have it," she giggled. "We collect them because they are items that will never be found, such as keys in the bottom of a creek, a necklace that fell off of a horseback rider, and so on. So you see we are the keepers of the borrowed items, so to speak."
After looking at their wonderful trees and items, Bridgette took off for home. When she walked into the door, her mother asked, "Where are the mushrooms me darlin'?" Bridgette smiled and said, "Still in the basket where the Jewelry Trees are, I forgot it there."
Her mother exclaimed, "Glory be, ya saw them, 'tis a grand sight indeed they are," then her mother's happy face grew sad, "Ohh, now we'll never see the mushrooms nor me basket again, them style of faieries keep everything ya loose, but your not ta blame me darlin', we can make another basket."
After supper Bridgette heard tapping at the shutters, and she looked out, there on the window sill was the very same basket with not just the few mushrooms she gathered, but completely full. She ran and showed her mother, and they both laughed with joy!

Starting at $10.00 to $45.00 each


Faiery Clothes
The Gentle Fowlk love their clothes, and these lovely faiery-clothes were discovered in the Forest Galen by Brigette O’Leery where the faieries keep them. One day they showed her where she could find their “closet” full of them.
Low and behold one very early morning Bridgette was preparing the coffee bean as a surprise for her mother and in flew Tisia. She said to Bridgette, “If you find your coffee beans missing, well, you might want to look around, for Delisia already ground them fer your mum. Now hurry let us go and see the secret hiding place for the clothes, and we will be back before your mum has her coffee. we have to go this early so the nasty sprites do not see us, for they are still sleeping.” Tisia picked her up and off they went to see them. On the way there they just happened to fly over a unicorn nest, and the colors sparkled out of them, while tiny horns looked as though they were emerging.
Bridgette’s eyes could not believe how beautiful the flowering dresses were, as she turned around a faiery spoke, “Hi, my name is Delisia what kind of dress can I design for you?” Well, Bridgette just smiled and Delisia said, “I know, I know, you would like Rose petal dress, yes, that would suit you just fine,” and off she flew to make her one.
As she flew back, she dropped the dress over the top of Bridgette and it magically slipped onto her! ”A fine day indeed this is for me and my wonderful dress, but, oh the sun is rising so much more, and I so want ta have coffee with me mother this fine day.” Tisia smiled and took her back, but not before Bridgette got to see the Faiery Closet and all of its wonderful dresses.
Back home she told her mother what happened, “but i can’t show you me dress because it must have fallen off on the way home.” She got up from the table to get her mother more coffee and felt something within her apron pocket. It was the tiny rose dress. “Look mother here ‘tis, see!”
Her mother exclaimed, “Oh me darling, ‘tis beautiful, we must keep it safe, or the nasty sprites will fly in and take it away and sell it.”
They hid it in the high cupboard in the kitchen within a bowl for the time being and then finished sipping their coffee on this fine and glorious mornin’.
If it is a fine day indeed, you might even find the faiery Delisia near some coffee beans and enjoy a visit with her, but only after having a cup of coffee with Mrs. O’Leery!

Dresses $5.00 to $8.00 each
Unicorn egg $5.00 each


Faiery Gifts -sold out for now
In the days when Faieries, Elfen Fowlk and Dwarfs were common friends with mortals, the humans often left them gifts as their gratitude. These particular faiery gifts were for tea-time. One time the Elf King Belphebe received so many gifts such as these, that he was able to share one to each household within his kingdom. The fairey triplets Gwendel, Gwendal & Gwendrel, wearing green ivy leaf clothes with tiny flowers for belts, helped to distribute them among his villages.

$5.00 each


Gemstone Houses
The faiery Leisa, wearing a purple dress, was riding on Lindsorg the dragon fly. As they passed by these houses she dropped gemstones upon them that they had collected deep within the waterfalls of FaieryPond leading into the Gemstone Mountains. These houses vary due to the gemstone or crystals used to create them, while some are genuine and others are faux.

There is a large oak where faiery meetings occur at certain times of the seasons, as they eat, dance and sing there too. Just off to the west of the tree are the white Killeaden Thorn bushes and are the most important faiery trees for its curious shape. The branches lay clean downwards almost like an open umbrella being perched on a four foot stem and about four feet across. If not properly trimmed it can grow to a conical shape of the likeness to a mushroom. It is home to wrens and robins for they are the favorite, known as the "faiery-birds". These faieries hold greatness with the Gemstone Mountain dwarves, for they have been given the precious gems to build houses and share their beauty with the world of mortals who can see them, such as Bridgette O'Leery.
A faiery fort is well-known not too far from the small triple mound under the large hill just north of the creek that is not more than thirty feet wide. 'Tis a busy center for faiery activity and generations have kept it quite to itself over the past few hundreds of years. Bridgette was strolling by the creek and ended up near the triple mound. A clink of something hit her on top of the head and she looked to the grass to see if she could find it. 'Twas a rock, a glittering one at that, and as soon as she went to put it in her pocket, a faiery flew by and snatched it from her fingers. She had her eye on the faiery and followed it to a bright illumination atop the mounds. She stared in amazement, and as the lights dimmed, and it was then she saw the details of this village. Such a short glimpse that seemed to last for hours became a silent memory in her mind, until she decided to write the descriptions of the encounter, for no one else has ever seen what she has to this day.Walking home she realized how the flowers, grass and mushrooms, hide from mortal eyes the glory of another world, until the "wee-fowlk" want to be seen.

 $10.00 - $15.00 each


Traveling Houses
These are wee-houses with various sea shells. In Feng Shui the conch shell attracts auspicious travels and is placed in the living room, hence these faierie houses travel quite often. Not all faieries enjoy flying everywhere with their wings and they are the ones who built these tiny houses, because faieries love to travel. The fairey Imelda, wearing an acorn hat with a green and yellow threaded dress with oak leaf wings, was the original designer of them. These houses fit nicely under a bourtree with whitethorn bushes. 

Bridgette O'Leery walked the widow Malloy to the gate and bid her good evening. Then she ran all the way to the McGillard's house, for she was friends with the many girls bestowed to the family, eight of them to be precise and one boy. Laura McGillard opened the door and screeched, "Land sakes Bridgette, what's wrong!" and the others came into the kitchen.
Bridgette said to the girls, "Faieries, faieries, I tell ya, right here," as she sat at the table while Shana set down a cup of tea for her. Bridgette took a sip and proceeded, "The widow Malloy just left our house and these were her very words to me mother," and took a quick sip of tea.
"She says to me mother,
"Well Katie, seein' how I have lived so long and never seen a-one of them 'till now just makes me smile."
At this moment Mrs. McGillard came into the kitchen and noticed the girls stopped cleaning up the supper dishes, but noticed a faiery story was about to be told, and she quietly finished them, as she too listened.
Bridgette continued the story, "She then says to us,
-It is a peculiar way they chose to show themselves, for I have had that same bourtree with the whitethorn bushes since before I moved to the cottage. I remember when we first moved there from behind the big hill past the forest Galen.
I was thinkin' ta plant a flower garden fer the butterflies and such, and asked me husband to remove the tree and bushes. He was speechless with astonishment, and then spoke softly, yet clearly to me saying,
 --Me darlin' don't ya know that's a bourtree and whitethorn bushes? 'Tis the faiery housing you might be messin' with, and that ain't a good thing ta do, ya know.--
I says to him --a wise man you are, fer most men don't respect the faiery life, and though I have never seen one, doesn't mean others can't,, we will leave the bushes and I will plant me flower garden elsewhere, lest to bother the faieries.--

Well that night after supper, me husband walks in the kitchen as I am doing the dishes and grabs me arm.
Says he--Me darlin' I just saw lights all about the tree and bushes and one of them came to me ear and said, 7 and on this day we shall appear.--

Well, we  watched for them on every day with the number seven in it, but nothin'. Soon years past and I told the faieries there, --the number seven means no more to me than the likes of you, I think it was a trick of some sort for me garden-- and I walked away.
Time went on and he never saw the lights again, nor the faieries. Just before he died saying to me,
--Me darlin' , remember what they told me, 7 and on this day we shall appear.--
Glory-be they have shown themselves on the exact day of the seventh year of his death, dancing and merry making, one even spoke to me saying,
-- A wise man he was for respecting the faiery life, for we travel inside of these houses, and expect a place to hide whenever we return. This day we returned, it saddened us not to see him, but gladdened us to see you--

And I watched her fly into a tiny house that had sea shells on them. I think the faieries gave me this joy to remind me of a grand husband I had indeed, for he never touched the bourtree nor the whitethorn bushes."

Mrs. McGillard wiped her hands in the dish rag as the girls sat speechless. She said, "My ladies, this truly is a tale worth repeating one day to your young ones, for  respect 'tis earned and never forgotten."

$5.00 each


Magical Floating Houses
The Brown Thrasher & the Boreal Chickadee birds blend in with the tree branches, just waiting to welcome these houses to their tree. These particular houses float around from tree to tree and inspire motivation to "get things done" by not "staying put" in one place. Brimbil the Bumblebee visits them often wherever they may settle, because he helps to transport the nearby dwellers upwards to visit with them.

One can often find Mrs. Diana Ferguson underneath the tree that has many branches so entwined within one another, it seems impossible to find the ends! She has been there since early childhood, however is well into her seventies now. Although, to her beloved friends of the magical-tree-houses from childhood, she was always known as 'Miss Diana.'
Patiently she sits under the tree for Brimbil the Bumblebee to escort the insects and critters waiting on her hands for their turn to ride on his back into one of the Magical Floating Houses. The snail asked the lady bug why she was waiting, for she could fly with her own wings. She replied, "I can fly up to the houses, but I cannot enter without Brimbil's key. This keeps the faiery dwellers in the houses safe from unwanted visitors."
The snail thought that is a good idea and then said, "I enjoy all the faieries chit-chat whenever they are here." 
The caterpillar added, "I wonder who is in this group of houses, I had a fine tea and biscuit the last time with a snow frost faiery telling me her adventures of glittering all the leaves on the trees getting ready for wintertime." 
Miss Diana gently smiled, "I too have enjoyed many tales from all of you, but one day I fear I may not be able to come to the tree when the Magical Floating houses are here." They all looked puzzled and the lady bug asked, "But you have been here so long, why do you say such a thing?" 
"Yes, since I was six years old and now I am getting on in years, but the Heavens permitting I will be here for awhile longer. I think I shall begin to write down all of these adventures we have had together." And that she did, it took her close to ten years to write them down, and with each one she had help remembering what happened with her friends from the Floating Tree houses. The detailed papers are still at the same village she lived and wrote them in, and sad to say Miss Diana did die, but she was well into her nineties. She was at that tree right up until the week she took ill. For about four days she could not attend her friends at the tree, but the next evening Brimbil came with a  faiery who sprinkled dust onto her.
Brimbil took her on one last adventure with them, however it was one that went unwritten, for after they came back she died that very night whispering to Brimbil, "Keep the key safe and watch for a new lass to hold you all in her hands, she is on her way." 
After the funeral and Miss Diana was buried, her great-grand-daughter of age nine, wandered off crying and was soon taken with a buzzing sound. She stopped crying and was starring at a bumble bee. He introduced himself and in a short time she was holding hands with all of her great-grandmother's friends listening to stories. 

$5.00 each


Faiery Boats  -sold out for now
Gentle Fowlk, such as faieries, love to lounge around in the water, whether it is on a blade of grass, a flower petal or their wonderful boats. Some of the boats are walnut shells that were split into half, while others are these mysterious shells. The inside of a mussel shell is polished and then mystical colors of the shell glow. The rope is tied onto something close to the shore so they do not float too far away and sticks are used as paddles.
$4.00 each

Faiery Hats 
These can be used as an ornament or simply hang it somewhere, but don't be surprised if it is missing one day, because a faiery just might need a new hat and take it.
Faiery Acorn Hats-
Acorns and the tops are an important part of faiery life, because they serve many purposes. A few are: hats, bowls, cups, and planters. Since most of them can only be gathered in Autumn the faieries watch carefully for them to fall from the mighty oak tree and then gather them up in the different sizes needed.
Every Autumn the faieries Delorna, Tylina, Cambria and their leader Eudora gather acorns and their tops for the upcoming year. As they gathered the acorn tops Tylina complained as usual, hoping to get sent home, but Eudora patiently listened. Tylina sighed and then blurted out, "The sun is too bright and its hard to see the tops."
Delorna flitted over to Cambria and whispered, "She always complains, each year, as if something is going to change when we gather them. I'm getting tired of listening to her." Cambria giggled and looked over to Tylina happily saying, "Then come over where we are because look," as she pointed to the right of them. "It is shaded, yet we still have much brightness, and they are very easy to see, come on, there are so many over here."
"Yes, see our boxes are almost full!" exclaimed Delorna.
Tylina looked surprised and then made a disgusted face as she began to slowly fly over towards them. Delorna looked at Cambria with an 'I told-ya so' look and then they both giggled. Eudora glanced over to them saying, "Whenever you find a task unpleasant, look for the gratitude that it will bring. Be happy gathering what we need for the upcoming year and how plentiful the oak tree is to us each year."
Delorna added, "Just like when Cambria's shoe lace broke this morning, she chuckled and said she was glad to have shoes,, and as she said that Brimbill the Bumblebee came in the window and gave her a new vine for them so we would not be late today."
Cambria nodded her head yes, "Yup, that is just what happened."
Tylina smirked, shrugged her shoulders, and as she bent down to pick up an acorn top she softy spoke, "This one will make a nice cup for me this winter." Then she looked up at the oak tree saying, "Thank you for allowing me to gather the wonderful acorns and tops this year." She turned and looked at the other three with an uncertain look on her face, "Well I guess I am happy."
They all laughed and Eudora said, "Practice it more and more, and soon you will not be bothered with unpleasantness."
Tylina just smiled and they continued to find acorn tops. After awhile, Tylina held one up, imagined it as her hat, and smiled knowing other faieires decorate them with 'glitter-dust.'

$3.00 each

Certain acorn tops have various meanings:

When found with a twig it usually has a tiny acorn that was forming and it brings twice good luck.

When clusters of three are found they are given to faierie triplets,
such as Gwendel, Gwendal & Gwendrel who often help the Elf King Belphebe.

These double clusters are for faiery twins, such as Valdia & Valdesia,, or the twin brothers Valda & Valdese.

Depending on the age, these are given to a toddler, child or teenager due to the size of the hat needed.


Magic Keys
Every forest has magical keys hanging from tree limbs, yet some may also have a faiery dust bottle. These forest keys unlock the doors to your imagination and into a land of enchanting fun!

It was a misty morning for the hills and moors, especially the forest Galen. After most of the mist had cleared away, Bridgette O'Leery decided to wander about in the friendly wooded area of Galen. Approaching the path inside, she could not help but notice tufts of grass moving around and side to side, she counted three of them. Following them down the path about twenty foot-steps they sunk deep into the ground and suddenly she was lost with no idea of her whereabouts. She became a victim of the evil faieries within the 'stray-sod' or as I refer to them as the Tufts-of-grass. 'Tis a spell they cast that causes a mortal to loose their bearings in common places to them. She did not even recognize the familiar forest Galen.
Bewildered, she sat down on a moss covered stone surrounded by small weeds and next a pale ghost-like elf appeared asking, "What ails ya lass, tis lost?" She nodded her head yes. He continued, "Over 'round past the demon tree is another tree with the way out,, ya just have ta find the correct branches, and when ya do lass, remember ta shake the glittering dust all over you first and then in front of you, then take the key and leave, for if not in this manner, ya can't tell when you will get outa here." 
Poof, he was gone. She saw the demon tree, and knew it to be one for they always swoop to one side, as if a hand is hovering over the area below, ready to grasp it's victim. The three malevolent demons began to reach for her as they sounded their blood-chilling laughs, and then they spit angry words into the air. She realized she had to get quite close to the demon tree in order to get around it to the other tree that the ghost-like elf told her about. She saw branches shaped like a hand swoop towards her, she ran and she jumped over the logs that were there. The tree howled and screeched like a lost soul roaming the moors until she was safely past, and then it stopped.

Once on the other side, there was a tree with many low lying branches, and she began touching each one, but nothing happened. Then she sighed and grabbed for one more, and that was it. A thin rope came downward with a tiny glass jar filled with glitter and keys on it, just as the ghost-like elf had described. She did just as he directed and nothing happened, until she took a step forward. Doors appeared everywhere, they had names on them, such as, Imagination, Dreams, Love & Life, New Adventures, and many more. Nevertheless, she was looking for the one to leave, and soon found it, marked- Home. Taking the key and unlocking the door, her memory had returned and she knew her where-abouts. She murmured, "What do I do with these keys now?" At this point, the ghost-like elf man appeared and transformed into a young man. "Ohhh, my who are you, why I thought..."
He spoke kindly as he kissed her hand, "Out of the many who became lost in these hundreds of years, you have been the only one who desired to go home. The others went into doors they did not realize they already possessed, but you did. I am now a young man again, free from the evil spell the Tuft-of grass faieries had cast upon me. You see, I was the maker of these keys with my father many, many years ago. They did not want anyone to escape, once they captured them, and learned of these keys my father and I made. We hid them so they did not know where they were, nor the where-abouts of the magical dust my mother collected from deep inside of the Gemstone Mountains with the faieries." He looked around and sighed "I have not a clue where I shall go, or where I shall live, but I thank you again."
She replied, "Come home with me, my uncle can help you, his friend in town, mind ya, makes locks and keys too." He did, and only to come to find out, this man was the great, great grandson of his very own father!    

$8.00 each


The Harp, the Flute & the Fiddle
'Twas a cool morning and Jesse McFinn was on his way over to Bridgette's house, but before he took off, he slipped his jacket on, the magical one. As might be expected, he wore it no matter what in hopes to see more of the legendary unseen world that his mortal eyes without it, could not. He decided to walk a different way and followed the narrow grassy path, but this time it seemed unusually high, and unusually filled with trees. Underneath a tree not far off the grassy path, he noticed a large mushroom with a flat top. As he stepped off the path to look at it, and at the same time he tripped over a branch and fell right in front of the mushroom.
With being level to the ground he could see underneath the mushroom, there was a key. He picked it up, put it inside of his pocket, looked around, and stood up. A house of some sort could be seen in the slightly misty trees surrounding it. Walking closer, a more distinct view of a clay cottage was amongst the cluster of oak trees. The wooden door was open and inside was a middle-aged lady. Behind her, on the wall, was a rather pretty wooden double-shelf. The bottom shelf had a small box, while the upper one had a towel with a flute like Jesse's wrapped up inside of it, likewise a fiddle stood upright in the corner opposite the fireplace. Jesse's eyes were fixed on the fiddle, as he always wanted to learn to play one, but could not, for it was a fairly expensive instrument to buy.
"Yes, it does well enough," was heard as a tiny elf-like man from the corner of the shelf jumped down and was now life size. He picked up the fiddle and began playing, likewise Jesse took his flute out and played with him. Next, the box on the shelf opened and the lady took out what was inside. A tune was heard by her gentle fingers as she plucked at a small harp. At this point, the door to the bottom of the faiery harp opened and the lady set it on the floor under the shelf. It too became life size and the open door led into a large room behind the shelf. The cottage itself was one room, and Jesse whispered to himself, "To look at the house from the outside, there could be no other room this size."
Once inside, a long table was filled with food, giant goblets full of the sweetest nectar and dishes only a king would eat from. He figured he was with the ancient faieries of a kingdom rarely spoken of these days, for these faieries were like-humans in their size and their quality of manners were not of an impish creature, but an educated and respectful being. He spoke in a low voice again, "Reminds me of the tales of the Ivy Village."
The lady answered, "As one might expect, we are."
"Such merry-making full of high spirit has never been seen by me eyes before," he replied.  At first a gentle sound made its way into to the room, then it became a faster tune and the scene was set, for it was music was unlike he ever heard. 
"I want to bring Bridgette O'Leery back ta see you all."
The elf-like man replied, "Indeed man, just when ya do, this time come to a door in a small mound, you will find the way to get in."

He ran to the grassy path and then to the O'Leery house, took hold of Bridgette's hand and walking her back he explained what he just saw. They nearly went right past it, for the door was almost about hidden in the side of the small mound. It became noticeable only because of its pointed roof and odd shaped door. Not knowing if they should knock on it became a concern to them, for Jesse wasn't quite sure if this is the exact house he stepped out of, since he did not remember a field of flowers nearby. "The faieries do trick ya like that," says he to Bridgette.
A field of Daylilies could be seen and equally important it seemed as if they could hear conversations, but no one was in sight. Walking closer to the blossoming orangish-dark yellow flowers, the conversations got louder. They peeked into one, low and behold, tiny elf-like sprites were dressed in green leaves. Indeed it was inhabited by the leaf faieries. "I might have known from the strange conversations, not like the talk we could understand, mind-ya, but that of their own language, Draga has mentioned them from time-to-time," said Bridgette.
"That I remember indeed, I believe it was two spring-times ago when down the path from her house, the Daylilies were closing-up for the season, when we heard talking, remember?" She nodded yes as he continued, "But we didn't mention it to her until they were all gone and she told us about them."
Nevertheless, they walked back at the strange house with a pointed roof and an odd wooden door that was just about covered in leaves and such, well they tried, but the door would not open. It seemed so over-grown with vines and moss that they both shrugged their shoulders in disappointment and turned walking away.
Jesse said, "They didn't seem like the tricky-ones now Bridgette, yet we were tricked by them." He took one last look back at the door, and he grabbed her arm, "Bridgette!!" as he ran back. By the door was the same fiddle, and as he picked it up, he played the same tune he learned inside. As might be expected, the door opened up, low and behold the lady walked out. Bridgette gazed at her simple, elegant beauty as her words echoed,  "Welcome, we are from an ancient time when mortals were as common to us, as we were to them. It was known as the Ivy Village. Your grandmother-Draga has passed down tales of that time, listen and learn well, for Tisia the faiery lives between these two worlds now, keep her safe. Behind here are ruins on top of the small mountain, it is inhabited by faieries, she frequents there often."
Then lady looked to the both of them, "Your welcome back anytime, and it is not so much the jacket Jesse McFinn, but all you need is the music, believe in the music, it is the real key."
With that said, he reached for the key in his pocket and as he brought it out, the same magical tune was heard as if they were all playing again, and when a single note was heard, all was gone. Only the ruins on top of the small mountain and the fiddle in Jesse's hands could be seen.


Faiery Shoes
It was a quiet time in the north end of the forest Galen, until old Russ Murphy heard them near the white Killeaden thorn bushes.
Old Russ got the knick-name Long Gou, which came to him from a stranger who passed through the town about a year ago. Old Russ didn't like the looks of this man, and started a donnybrook with him, well before the punch could hit, the stranger took a back-flip and used his foot to knock out old Russ. He was a Chinese fellow and said the name Long Gou fit him well for it meant Drunken Bones, or actually known in his land as Dragon's Bones, which were crushed and made into a tea-like formula to ease restlessness, insomnia and dizziness due to what he called Liver Yang, or as he explained, too much hard drink can cause a person to have a hot liver, and in the likes-of-the town old Russ was known to also have a hot-temper to match.
He was wandering around the forest Galen drinking his wine that morning to the last drop, and was just about to put the empty bottle in his belt holder when he heard a rustling in the nearby white thorn bushes. He blinked his eyes a few times for he thought he was imagining the many faieries, but there they were. He reached for the cork in his pocket and then swiftly moved the bottle through the bushes and oh, the wicked man took and corked them up in his wine bottle. A faiery flew in his face and many times repeated, "12 to 1 to 9----- 12 to 1 to 9----" even as she flew away. He swished his arm as if to hit her, but wasn't quick enough. He mumbled on his way home, "12 to 1 to 9, what kind of trickery talk is that.."
A fort-night later he took to town and his first stop was Paddy Flannigans.
Paddy Flannigan, the brother of Joe Flannigan who drives the mail cart, owns a grand place to eat. 'Tis also where you can get a pint of the dark stuff, with one too many of those mind ya, and the next thing you will be is banging on the door to the supper house at two in the morning for a spot to eat, and with it being closed, you can just lay there in the grass like a fool. A drunken blather-skeg is the name you will be making for yourself, so it is wise to act proper in this town. Going into a place for the intention of spirits is the only thing you will get, since the devil holds the bottle to drink from, as the nasty faieries hang with them and always remember -- deceitful & tricky they be; but the more ya drink, ya don't know what you'll see. In the same fashion, this is how old Russ Murphy, or Long Gou, lived his life.
He walked in holding the corked wine bottle in front of him as if it were a wedding bouquet. "I caught me some faieries, come and see the hunting for the day."
"Tis unrespectable ta talk like that ya know," said Paddy.
Joe looked surprised, "Who did ya say caught them, and where are they now?"
"Me-self, who else do ya think of man!" Long Gou shouted.
Over on the food side, Mr. O'Toole stood up and boldly stated, "Ya poor foolish man, ta think ya can capture faieries, and have no ailments to you, they be tricky in how they get back at ya, now mind ya, if ya did, ya better let them go."
A few others chuckled and asked, "Then where are they now man, show them to us."
Long Gou pushed the bottle in their faces, "Go ahead, take a look fer yourself," but the bottle looked empty to them.
He told the pub folk, "Here they be, here they stay, I am taking them to the city to sell next week."
One fellow said, "Did they talk to ya now? For they seem a bit quiet today," and chuckled.
"Sure did, and that stupid bug kept saying, -12 to 1 to 9, now what kind of trickery talk is that?" as he laughed. But at the food area where Mrs. O'Toole and her husband were, they knew what that meant, a clock, and more than likely the time, because 12 is when Joe Flannigan takes to the mail cart on the last day of the week, then 1 is when lunch is served at the pub, and 9 is the hour for faieries. She knew that certain middle earthen fowlk can be seen in the daytime, but they can't work their charms or spells, tis only at setting of the sun the powers will return to them.

She took off to the O'Leery house and told what happened. Bridgette and Jesse took off to the pub where they hoped Long Gou still was, and sure enough he was with the bottle. They stood quietly in a corner and watched. He kept it close at all times, but taking to his knick-name of Drunken-Bones, his soon fell over on the table and onto the bottle. Jesse McFinn saw an empty bottle on the ledge behind the bar and asked Paddy to hand it to him. He carefully slipped it under Long Gou in place of the faiery one all corked up.
They took it to the white Killeaden thorn bushes and pulled off the cork at 9pm. Swishing and rustling was everywhere, as the faieries came to help the others out of the bottle, for they were too weak and sick to leave on their own. After they were out and disappeared into the bushes, the other faieries told Jesse get a piece of cloth from Long Gou's clothes, put it in the bottle, cork it up, and leave it under these bushes. He and Bridgette ran back to the pub, and ripped a piece off his shirt and Jesse put into his pocket. 
Long Gou awoke mumbling, "What, Where am I," and looked to the bottle, saw the cork was gone and grabbed Jesse by the back of his shirt. "Why you..." and swung his fist at him. Jesse remembered watching the Chinese man do a certain kind of jump and flip to avoid a punch, and that is just what he did. Long Gou flew forward and hit his head on the wooden bar. Jesse ran to the door, grabbed Bridgette's hand, ran back to where the bottle was, and did just as the faiery instructed.
Days later he was strolling down the path to the O'Leery house when a few faieries came from behind an oak tree. Jesse said, "It pleases and delights me ta see ya, what be the cause now my dear faieries?"
"We are the ones you saved from the bottle and have come to thank you."
"Tis welcome, uhh, I heard Long Gou took ta ripping the pub apart when he woke and the men had ta take him out of the area to the house of correction."
"It is true, and he won't be coming back, for what he tried to cork up with us, only came back at him."
"Aye, I see," smiled Jesse, "it was his own come-hither he cast onto himself, that locked him up."
"Yes, and come see what we lost that night," as they went back to the white thorn bushes. All different kinds of shoes were there, with moss and flowers growing from them. "We cannot use them on our feet anymore for they have been here so long that the land tried to hide them with nature's help. Here, they are for you and Bridgette to keep."

Faiery Shoes $15.00 to $20.00
Sprite Shoes $10.00 to $15.00


Flower Gardens
Flower gardens create harmony and good feelings and in particular when aligned with compass directions.
The Southeast, North & East gardens require rectangular flowerbeds with blue & leafy plants, while the jade or 'money-plant' is also good here. The West & Northwest need round or semi-circular containers or beds with yellow or white flowers. The South, Southwest & Northeast arrange in a square bed or container with red pink, yellow and orange flowers. Try it and watch how the "Gentle Fowlk" enter them in harmony.
Queen Dororosa loves her gardens within FaieryPond. One day as she passed a garden, one of tiny flowers from the Coreopsis plant, as well as the blue & yellow Violets smiled and ran up to Queen Dororosa shouting, "We are up and out of the ground, it is springtime, wake up everyone!!"
Queen Dororosa hushed their loud voices and spoke softly to them, "We must remain quite for not all the flowers have been woken up and some are still sleeping, they need to finish their dreams,, and soon they too will awaken."
Wide-eyed they look at the Queen and said "Oh, sorry we did not realize that, we can wait to play with them," and the flowers scurried away giggling. 


Faiery Pools -sold out for now  
Liggin the dragon fly zooms in and out enjoying a visit with a faiery named Delisia. She gathers news from Liggin and then rides a white horse to tell Faiery God-mother. Below these small ponds is my large FaieryPond, which inspired these lovely little pools of water that the beloved faieries visit and graciously ride the white horses, in-which very few mortals get to see...

Bridgette O'Leery and Jesse McFinn were tidying up the hay in her barn when the goat took loose out the door and down the path to an area where it had just rained. As they approached the goat, it reared up and its front legs began to fight with Jesse. At the same time he backed up into Bridgette, and they fell right into a puddle of water. They seemed to fall downward into a hole for awhile, then suddenly they stopped and splashed right into a faiery pool. They knew it was such, since it had the sweetest fragrance, purest water, and gorgeous landscape of trees. Looking around they saw the lovely bluish-green spindles blend in harmony with the purple-reddish bark of the Scots fir. It is well known that when a small group of these trees blow about, one can be sure there is a haunt of faieries within. Next they saw the Rowan, for its powers protect against witches and their wicked spells. It has been known to cast out all evil spirits. Equally important there was the Alder, for the ancient lake dwellers were dependent on this tree as it stood in ponds to disguise the waters as if it were land. It could do so, since it was resistant to wet-rotting. It is under these roots the mysterious white horses live.
When they stood up and looked around, there were all different sizes of these pools throughout the area they were in. A slow and deep rumble came over the ground they were standing on, and dust could be seen atop the large hill. At this point, horses of all colors one-by-one soon came over the hill and into the valley where they and the faiery pools were. As they came over the small hill, they lept into the different pools, and then they came out one-by-one from the same pool that Jesse and Bridgette came from. As the horses lept out, they were all white, and a faiery jumped onto each one.
"I heard tell of this place Bridgette, and only few get to see it they say."
Her eyes wide-open and smiling, "Yes, yes, indeed, it is grand to look upon."
They watched the faieries ride the white horses for awhile and then Jesse noticed the dim light by the hill, as he said, "Oh my, its gettin' on, soon night will fall." A faiery showed them a tiny light and told them that others will guide them home safely, and to follow the lights. A tiny glow appeared randomly as the lightning bugs, or fireflies, sparkled during the twilight hour they were in. Bridgette asked what they were, and the faiery replied, "Fireflies, they love damp areas, especially near the edges where water in a pond meets a forest or field, such as ours. They bring magic to a summer night, but there's much more to the secret lives of these bioluminescent beauties, for they talk to each other with this light communicating, such as to defend a territory by luring predators away."
The faiery walked away holding the main of a white horse, looking back and smiling she echoed these words,
"Not many are welcome here,
Not many can come, they are so few,
Not one that you know of,
Not in your lifetime, but only you."

They followed the fireflies to the edge of some trees and could see the goat. The area they just came from was much darker than where they came out of, and that was a mystery to them, because they fell into a puddle and walked out of a small forest. Nevertheless, Jesse and Bridgette walked back to her house with the goat in the lead, and after all of this, he happily went into the barn. They went into the house and told Mrs. O'Leery what happened while they ate. After the story was told, Mrs. O'Leery commented, "Seems a type-of- come-hither was cast upon the goat so the both of you would follow him."
Evening hours were getting a bit darker and Jesse said that he needed to get home, but before he left, he asked, "Why do the white horses keep in the pools?"
Mrs. O'Leery replied, "Why they do so, know one really knows, at least to date no explanation is satisfactory."

Small $8.00 each
Large $12.00 each

Faiery Pond

Faieries are known as 'Gentle Fowlk' because in ancient times mankind was warned not to call faieries of any species by a common name. Certain or common names slighted the faieries, but FaireyPond is a relaxed and understanding place, yet always on guard. Here, they are better known as communal faieries, meaning ones which live together in a land like this with a queen or even a king and enjoy their names, because they understand how a name has a meaning. 

I created FaieryPond in the mid 1990's, unfortunately it was put away for about a good ten years because it was originally put together to become a large scale automata as in the Golden Ages. I brought out in 2010 when I realized how special this was to me back then and even though it did not become a full scale working automata, it did become the basis for some of the tales I write about.
It has been worked on, updated, and resides under the first part of the stairway of my deck steps. It is approximately 3 foot by 5 foot weighing over 80 pounds. The close up of a faiery with food for a celebration, because below that is a a photo of a humming bird bringing two red roses containing news to the prince and princess that the lands welcome them to marry. 


This is the creek behind my house, and it is within this area that the real secret to FaireyPond resides. There are purple Water Iris's to the left and what appears to be lily pads to the right area, which are actually purple Aquatic Pickerel. This is where I originally wanted to put it, but it would have eventually been destroyed by the waters and the drastic weather changes.
It lives here in my imagination, where it originated in my tales. 

3 water iris 7.jpg

In the mid-Spring the Water Iris's are in bloom, which last about 2-3 weeks and then the
Aquatic Pickerel is next to bloom from within the waters. 


Aquatic Pickerel are in bloom for most of the summer, after the Water Iris's are done in the Springtime.
In the background, across the creek, are many Lilypads that surround a small swamp-like island, and it is there the
secret entrances to dwarf caves can be seen, but only for a few days. 


After the long cold winter and the water becomes quite low, for a mere few days you can see these secret dwarf entrances, but soon they will be covered up with fast growing grass.
And that is a good thing, because there are trollz lurking around to find them. 


This is a close-up of an entrance that leads underground to the Gemstone Mountains.
They are un-noticed by the trolls because the Canadian Geese gather in front of them nibbling at the bugs in the mud
helping to hide the entrance from the trollz and orkz lurking around. 


Once inside of Faireypond the large aquatic leaves part and the sun rise shines on the waters. 


Queen Dororosa appears and welcomes the butterflies when summertime arrives at the pond.


The Pond Faieries guard the realms where mirrors meet, better known as the Myrrour- meaning my hour of reflection is now.
The medieval faieries that live in the Elfen lands still appear to honor and keep the stories alive, so they are not forgotten.  


The sunlight sparkles onto the Myrrour and a faiery will soon know their truthful reflection. 


A certain fairey door that can be seen by intruders, is there only to lure them away from the real faiery doors that are magically seen other places. Many gemstones are carefully placed in front of it by the frogs to allow the greedy intruder to find them.
Once the intruder goes through the door it leads to the outside of the pond and any gemstones they tried to take with them falls from their hands back into the waters of the creek. 


The sun reveals the key to the fairey door and it looks like solid gold, the intruder uses it, only to discover it cannot leave the lock
once it enters and the door opens. Behind the door the pond life enjoy swans, fish, walnut shell boats, and a faiery statue that comes to life if an intruder makes their way in through the magical door. She has the power to warn the entire pond with one wave of her flower.


A fairey statue also makes sure the intruder cannot enter into FaieryPond by tossing the dust from the magical flower she holds at the base of the doorway in case a troll might try and cross into it. This allows the next place they seek to be seen, but not always enter, a clever trick for a troll and a protection to FaieryPond.


Just beyond the door-
This is an view overlooking the bridge that leads to the walnut-shell boats that carry the gemstones the faieries collect
from inside of the magical waterfall. Near the falls a faiery enjoys resting her legs in the cool waters, while another faiery emerges from the lily pads.


Frogs love to collect the colored marbles at the pond.
They make sure they are placed in areas to collect the sun & moon energies.
For these energies help detect if there is troll dust tossed into the open faiery door. 
The sun & moon energies reside at the opposite end of the pond.


Faireies dangle among the flowering tree no bigger than 1/4 of an inch. They wisp around faster than a hummingbird collecting tales from other lands and then whisper them into the ears of those who need to hear them. 


Tiny golden musical fairies sit in various places among the gemstones and play tunes day or night.
But, you can only see them if a sunbeam or moonbeam lights them up.


A fairey dances on the water with the dragonflies and then enjoys swishing along the waters with the swans.  


Various ancient Ivory Fairey-gates are hiding among the waterfalls for a visitor to find them.
They are an entrance to another part of the pond, nevertheless the unsuspecting praying mantis guards the gemstones. As one can see the waterfalls are full of precious gemstones. To the right of the falls is a cluster of red thorn rose trees, and hidden among them is the secret door to the Gramaton Forest. The dead tree is the warning to this forest, for if you enter, one never returns.


Still moments are a part of the pond life when the sun meets the water and the animals greet one another.


Grasshoppers, frogs, snails and many others enjoy life here. They love the enduring energy this pond contains and are always eager to help the faieries maintain it. Friendly fish surface to say hello, while a turtle enjoys the secret song of the golden faieries.


Faiery Orbs gather until dusk and then light up signaling to faieries at the other end of the pond that night is here and the moonlight will soon glow so they can play their nocturnal musical instruments for all. Behind the pond a few rabbits hide under the flowers, and to the left is the log that the gnomes live deep underneath.




"Now mind ya, the stories you will read about here are an impressive quality in-that they uphold repeating in your own tales, but before doing so please email to ask permission, for they are copyrighted material. To speak about them to others is grand, but to use it for money in your story telling or in print is not allowed. Please reference Enchanted Fowlk Life & BABS Bakery as to where you found the descriptions when repeating a tale to others in regards to a story printed here, so long as money is not involved, and we "thank ya for that indeed."   


Note: Enchanted or Gentle Fowlk (Fowlke) include all the spiritual properties of nature, which comprise the Elves, Dwarves, Brownies, Faieries, Orkz, Trollz, ect.
Elfen spelled Elfin means it is a dangerous and evil elf. 

Warning for products: All products are for decorative use only. All materials used are not to be consumed in anyway shape or form. Not for adults, animals, babies, toddlers or children, etc., who put items in their mouth because of choking hazards, non digestible items and they are not made for outdoor use. -Made in the USA.
The various houses and castles are weather resistant, but not meant for direct rain. They are best kept in a covered area if outdoors.

Emerging Wings, Unaware 

Emerging Wings Unaware is Your Angel Company.