The pages for this bakery are for informational purposes and references are provided. This is not a medical bakery of foods or for clinic use. Some ingredients, as spices, any plant food, or herb can cause an allergic reaction in some people. Do not eat any unknown food during pregnancy without consulting a physician. The foods described are not a substitute, nor intended as a substitute for medical treatment, nor to stop any medications or medical treatment. Karan Schneider, endorsement/support of stated references and/or the owners of BABS Bakery expressly disclaim any responsibility or liability in connection with anyone stopping any medicines or medical treatment without consulting a physician. Check all ingredients before eating, even with a doctor for some ingredients, as spices, any plant food, or herb can cause an allergic reaction in some people, or interact with medications.
The information at this site is in no way to be considered as a substitute for consultation, diagnosis, and/or treatment by a duly licensed physician or other health care practitioner qualified in their field. Consult your physician before changing any diet you may already be on or deciding to go on one. Professionals are in a position to evaluate an individual case and then suggest appropriate measures dependent on the circumstance of the individual needs to a diet and or change of diet. These statements/ information/ opinions at this site, from BABS Bakery or the baked goods, have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Karan Schneider and BABS Bakery, unless otherwise noted. Individual submitted articles, documented clinical work, quotes, and endorsement/support are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice to change your current diet. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Karan Schneider and BABS Bakery. Karan Schneider, BABS Bakery, any written material at this site, quotes, and any endorsement/support for the bakery encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.
These products and baked goods are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. No Health claims are made on these baked goods and products of BABS Bakery. There are no warranties which extend beyond the educational nature of this information at this website. Therefore, BABS Bakery shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person with respect to any loss or damage caused, or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly, by the information within this site from Karan Schneider, any endorsement/support from included information or from BABS Bakery. This information at this site is declared to the best of BABS Bakery’s knowledge to be accurate and providing further reading, education and knowledge to products, opinions, facts and approval of products purchased for consumption. Please consult a physician for medical advice before changing your diet. If you are or may be pregnant, consult with your physician.
BABS Bakery is not an “allergy free” baking facility.BABS Bakery is not a “nut free” baking facility. BABS Bakery makes no claim to be a complete “gluten free” baking facility. BABS Bakery does not add gluten to the No Gluten Products. Bakery items are made separately, but cannot guarantee it is free from cross contamination. Gluten products are prepared and baked on separate days with separate utensils due to a possibility of cross contamination. If you are a severe celiac or other disease that requires no-gluten (gluten free) products please consider this bakery uses spelt. Note: Any Almond Flavor used in products is Oil of Bitter Almond and derived from apricot kernels. May contain trace amounts of nuts/gluten.
~~~ Check all ingredients before eating, even with a doctor for some ingredients, such as spices, any plant food, or herb may cause an allergic reaction in some people, or interact with medications. ~~~
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
©2010 © All Rights Reserved. This content may not be copied in full, without contact in writing in order that the integrity of creation and information remains intact, without specific permission, when used only in a not-for-profit format, permission may be granted. If you want to use one of these articles on your site please contact BABS Bakery If any other use is desired, permission in writing from BABS Bakery is required.
© 2012, 2013 CD, Workbook, & Food Chart- Disclaimer:
The information based on Hildegard, Chinese & Ayurvedic principles practiced for thousands of years should not be taken as a medical diagnosis. The stories, formulas & examples should not be construed as diagnosis or as treatment procedures. The references are not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe,,, as this information is not to be considered as a substitute for consultation with a duly licensed health care practitioner.
Celiac & wheat intolerant individuals please note: BABS Bakery does not guarantee GF products. We do not receive any guarantees from the direct manufacturers that we purchase our products from. They advertise that their products are gluten free. BABS Bakery does not add gluten to any of its no-gluten–added products. BABS Bakery is an everyday wheat free facility. You may preview a listing of our ingredients at our website or directly on packages from the products we sell. BABS Bakery does not guarantee gluten free products to be completely free of cross contamination, even though we are careful of it in out facility and buy from others without gluten. Cross contamination may come in any form at anytime from another facility not aware of possible contamination, hence BABS Bakery takes as many precautions as needed to keep free of cross contamination. People who are gluten intolerant usually tolerate products made from spelt. Scientific research reveals few reactions in spelt /gluten cross contamination,
No refunds on bakery items. BABS Bakery is not responsible for products, and or any type of melting product- such as chocolate or icing- shipped in hot weather. Shipping times are important to receive products on time.
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